Sustainable transition

Green Bonds

Intesa Sanpaolo was the first Italian bank to issue a green bond in 2017, followed by six further issues in euros. For its issuances, the Bank has developed specific Frameworks compliant to the Green Bond Principles, the Social Bond Principles and the Sustainability Bond Guidelines of ICMA (International Capital Market Association). In June 2022 the new Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Framework (GSS Framework) was published, aligned to the ICMA Green Bond Principles-2021, ICMA Social Bond Principles-2021 and ICMA Sustainability Bond Guidelines 2021 as well as the European Green Taxonomy (on a “best effort” basis). The Framework obtained the Second Party Opinion of ISS ESG.


2022 Results

€6.25 bn Green Bonds issued

since 2017

€5.75 bn Green Bond outstanding
8.9% Green Bond Ratio (1)

Intesa Sanpaolo Green Bonds

Intesa Sanpaolo Green Bonds

Intesa Sanpaolo Green Bonds
€500 m issue
For renewable energies and energy efficiency
€750 m issue
for the circular economy.
€500 m issue by former UBI Banca
For renewable energies

Mainly focused on solar and wind energy.

€1,25 bn issue
For green mortgages

granted for the construction or purchase of high energy efficient real estate or the redevelopment of buildings with a consequent improvement of at least two energy efficiency classes

€1 bn issue
with the revenues allocated to all of the green categories included in the new Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Framework of June 2022
€2.25 bn dual tranche issue
with revenues allocated to all of the green categories in the Framework.

An additional issue of £600 million was made in March 2023.

In March 2023, the second Green and Social Bond Report was published, based on an annual Green Bond reporting according to the 'Portfolio approach'. The report estimates the impacts on and benefits achieved for the entire portfolio of eligible loans for each of the green categories and, by looking at the estimated average impact per million euro financed, allows to calculate the number of tonnes of CO2 avoided as a direct result of each acquired bond.


(1) Percentage of outstanding green bonds at the end of the year out of the total amount of outstanding Senior Preferred, Senior non Preferred and Covered Bonds intended for institutional investors (five-year moving average).
