Financial inclusion

Supporting production

Intesa Sanpaolo stands as a point of reference, not only financially, in support of the country’s economic system and the business and associative world and accompanies its customers in a consolidated and lasting relationship model based on quality, reliability and trust. Regarding SMEs, the Group offers solutions that look to the future of Made in Italy in the world and contribute to sharing their paths of internationalisation, capitalisation, development and digitization with a special focus on ESG issues and ecological transition.



140,800 helped to return from non-performing to performing status 

3,600 in 2023


704,000 jobs preserved
18,000 in 2023

Motore Italia Transizione Energetica Program

Motore Italia Transizione Energetica is the Intesa Sanpaolo Group's program for business investments in the energy transition towards renewable energy, energy efficiency and the circular economy, supported by a plafond of €76 billion.

With the S-Loan CER, the program also incentivizes the creation of Renewable Energy Communities (REC), recognizing an additional premium on the financing cost if the company allocates part of the energy produced and not consumed to the REC.

REC represent a virtuous project for self-production of electricity from green sources: groups of families, businesses, or third sector organizations choose to join forces to self-produce and consume electricity from renewable sources, making energy shareable at zero kilometers.

ESG Platform, Dialogo Industriale and the Sviluppo Filiere Programmes

In order to better support companies in their sustainability journey, in 2023, the new ESG Platform was introduced to facilitate the collection of information on their environmental, social, and governance performance with shared access between the client and the business manager. The tool allows to analyze the company's ESG profile and positioning compared to benchmarks.

In December 2023, information exchange with the Dialogo Industriale platform was activated, aimed at enhancing the relationship between managers and businesses, allowing a better understanding of their needs and offering solutions tailored to each company's features.

With the “Sviluppo Filiere” (Supply Chain Development) programme the bank supports companies of all sectors and sizes in accessing credit, a particular focus is put on the relationship that links lead companies with their network of direct and indirect suppliers and/or their network of retailers, enabling a more detailed understanding of the financial requirements of individual supply chains.

As part of the Program, the Bank has decided to develop dedicated product offerings for sectors most affected by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), also focusing on ESG and digitalization.

Starting from April 2023, with the Programma Sviluppo Filiere - Sustainable Supply Chains, Intesa Sanpaolo accompanies the lead company and the companies in the supply chain in improving their sustainability profile.


>880 supply chains involved in "Sviluppo Filiere" programme


20,500 suppliers potentially interested
with 113,000 employees

Resto al Sud Program

Since 2018, Intesa Sanpaolo has been a member of the “Resto al Sud” (I’m staying in the South) initiative, managed by Invitalia, which supports the creation and development of new businesses and freelance activities in Southern Italy. Subsequently, the measure was extended to the municipalities affected by the 2016-2017 earthquake and to the island, lagoon, and lake areas of Central Northern Italy where, at a communicative level, it was renamed “Resto Qui” (I’m staying here).

In partnership with Invitalia, Intesa Sanpaolo has contributed to promoting awareness of the project and, during 2023, organized the first event within the CresciBusiness Program dedicated to young entrepreneurs.


>€45.4 m loans disbursed

Imprese Vincenti Program

In 2023, Intesa Sanpaolo launched the fifth edition of Imprese Vincenti, the program dedicated to the valorisation of small and medium-sized Italian businesses that represent an example of entrepreneurial excellence. Sustainability represents the central and rewarding theme of this edition, focused on SMEs that have adopted ESG criteria, showing respect and strategic vision regarding the ecosystem impact on the territories and communities in which they operate.

The program, in addition to giving visibility to companies, provides development support programs and advisory on strategic skills, training and workshops in collaboration with important partners.


>4,000 companies candidate


140 companies selected and celebrated as Imprese Vincenti (Winning companies)

Welfare Hub

The Welfare Hub service, proposed as a sustainability instrument by the “Sviluppo Filiere” and “S-Loan” programmes, allows companies to provide bonuses to their employees in the form of welfare services, as an alternative to payroll payment, thus taking advantage of the tax benefits provided by law for both the company and the employees.

It is a digital platform accessible via PCs, tablets, smartphones and apps, through which employees of participating companies can use their welfare credit with beneficial spillover effects on the local area, through their access to services of sports facilities and those offering leisure time courses and for making purchases in local affiliated shops. By implementing the regulatory changes introduced by the Aiuti Decrees, the Welfare Hub was supplemented by providing sums as a contribution/reimbursement for the payment of domestic utilities, i.e. the integrated water supply, electricity and natural gas.


6,460 companies that signed up to the platform

Female entrepreneurship

With Business Gemma the Bank supports female entrepreneurship in our country by offering a medium-to-long-term loan aimed at supporting any type of investment or liquidity need related to companies run by women and self-employed women.

The same commitment extends to the perimeter of the Group's Foreign Banks, with the Women in Business Program of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), active in Albania and Serbia. The program supports women-led SMEs in the Western Balkans, offering concessional loans, technical assistance, and Know-how sharing.


€7.3 m disbursed with Business Gemma 
with 114 loans


€ 4.1 m disbursed with Women in Business 
with 187 loans

Women Value Company Award

Foto premiazione Women Value Company

To support gender equality and enhance the role of women in entrepreneurship, Intesa Sanpaolo promotes the Women Value Company award. The award, now in its seventh edition in 2023, is dedicated to Small and Medium Enterprises that have implemented concrete and innovative policies and strategies to ensure equal opportunities and career recognition for men and women. Among approximately 1,100 candidates from all over Italy, 100 SMEs were celebrated during three events held between October and November, titled "Women and Businesses Looking to the Future".

Insights, events and projects for sustainability


