Our support for talented people in Italy
We help young people seize opportunities, we promote cultural and social growth, we invest resources and energy from music to dance, finding extraordinary travel companions such as the étoile dancer Roberto Bolle.
Intesa Sanpaolo’s social and cultural commitment in Italy takes many shapes: from the prestigious exhibitions at Gallerie d’Italia museums to the historic partnership with the Teatro alla Scala, from the agreements with schools and universities for young people’s education and training to the concrete support to the most vulnerable segments of the population, from research and innovation support to the enhancement of Italian talent. In this endeavour, our Group’s resources and energies meet companies, institutions and artists who, each in their own sphere, make their own contribution to the dissemination and growth of Italian culture and society.
This is the case of Roberto Bolle, étoile dancer of the Teatro alla Scala, who in the past testified to the value of his personal and artistic path by participating in the initiatives promoted by Intesa Sanpaolo dedicated to corporate social responsibility and the enhancement of art and culture in the country’s civil growth process.
Bolle, who was the star of the Rai1 show “Danza con me” broadcast on 1st January, is a role model for many young dance enthusiasts and is committed to the dissemination and accessibility of dance together with the promotion of talent, showing particular sensitivity towards difficult social contexts.
After the months of lockdown and the subsequent suspension of theatrical performances, in September Roberto Bolle strongly wanted to re-propose OnDance, as a sign of hope and willingness to start over for an art form, such as that of dance, which was among those hit the hardest by the social distancing measures imposed by the health emergency last spring. A weekend of music, sharing, dance and smiles, which Intesa Sanpaolo supported as a Partner. An initiative which, even during quarantine, was able to retain its role of reference for the world of dance and beyond, keeping alive and even expanding its community with numerous activities: from free lessons by dance instructors of all styles, to insights, interactions and live broadcasts.
Furthermore, on 22 October, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, which this year featured Italy as the key player, thanks to the collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo, our country brought an exclusive video performance to the UN headquarters, conceived for the occasion together with the Teatro alla Scala, and starring Roberto Bolle and some of the leading names of the Scala ballet.
The docufilm, shot at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, is a tribute to dance, its history, the most loved scores, and brings with it an invitation to reflect on the experience of the pandemic and its impact in every sphere of individual and collective life.
We back a number of projects aimed at cultural dissemination and artistic training, supporting music and dance. We intend to consistently continue to be the supporters of Italian talent, wherever it may be.

Last updated 8 May 2024