
Intesa Sanpaolo with the University of Bergamo for youth entrepreneurship

The Competencies and Resources for Entrepreneurial Orientation - CREO, the academic and entrepreneurial training platform of the University of Bergamo born from the collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo and the territorial ecosystem of innovation, is now underway.

CREO - Competencies and Resources for Entrepreneurial Orientation - the launch

The University of Bergamo presents CREO, a mixed course of courses, workshops, events and challenges, designed to discover one's talent and develop the skills indispensable for entering the world of work. Creativity, resourcefulness, leadership, soft skills and the ability to innovate are trained with method and a multidisciplinary approach thanks to the involvement of and discussion with professors and researchers from all areas of knowledge and with institutions, companies and organisations from the local innovation ecosystem. Intesa Sanpaolo, Fondazione Cav. Lav. Carlo Pesenti, and Fondazione Emilio Lombardini are CREO's first three partners.
The launch was held on thursday 18 April at the Aula Magna of the University of Bergamo.

Intesa Sanpaolo's commitment, facilitating entrepreneurship

In particular, Intesa Sanpaolo, working with the Bergamo university, intends to help generate entrepreneurship, the ingredient that - to the entrepreneurial spirit focused on the world of work - adds fundamental skills to establish oneself as an entrepreneur of oneself.
The entrepreneurial entrepreneur, in fact, is able to recognise challenges and opportunities and tackle them proactively using key tools and behaviours in terms of innovation, significantly increasing the likelihood of success and the chances of growing and choosing prominent roles.
Intesa Sanpaolo will collaborate in supporting creative marathons, hackathons or project work designed to activate and train the ability to translate innovative ideas and processes into concrete actions.

CREO, the project from the roots of academic research

In recent decades, the focus of universities on entrepreneurial education has grown worldwide to become one of the strategic levers of the sustainable development plans outlined by the European Union. In fact, the scientific literature recognises that the benefits of entrepreneurial education go far beyond ‘creating new businesses’ by contributing to the enhancement of so-called soft skills, such as creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking and the ability to work in a team, which are fundamental in any job position.
CREO is rooted in university research and took shape at the instigation of the Pro-Treasury for Education and Third Mission, with the contribution of the various Departments of the University coordinated by the University Research Centre for Young and Family Entrepreneurship CYFE (Center For Young and Family Entrepreneurship).

To whom it is addressed

It is aimed at students at the University of Bergamo from all master's degree courses, enrolled in master's degrees or the last two years of a single-cycle degree: from engineers to economists, from lawyers to humanists.

The numbers of the project

More than 18 training proposals (available online on a dedicated platform unibg-creo.it) including courses, workshops, events and competitions promoting personal growth, creativity and enterprise. These include four CREO-LABs (Tourism and creative industries; Sustainability; Health; Digital technologies and AI): innovative, participatory and multidisciplinary workshops through which students tackle today's socio-economic challenges to learn how to design tomorrow's original solutions. The historic UniBg entrepreneurial training course aimed at developing a business project, Start Cup Bergamo, together with the Start Cup School - now in its fourteenth edition - is now included among the CREO opportunities.
Involving more than 30 UniBergamo lecturers and researchers from all disciplines - from humanities to law to engineering from 6 Departments, as well as 3 University Research Centres.

Innovation Labs

New in the new Uni Bergamo training proposal are the CREO-LABs: innovative, participative and multidisciplinary workshops through which students tackle today's socio-economic challenges to learn how to design tomorrow's original solutions:

  • - CREO-LAB TOURISM AND CREATIVE INDUSTRIES, designed to strengthen the synergies between cultural and creative industries (visual arts, music production, fashion, entertainment, food and wine...) and tourism
  • - CREO-LAB SUSTAINABILITY, designed to promote sustainable development that enables companies to protect the environment and, at the same time, create economic and social well-being
  • - CREO-LAB HEALTH, designed to explore issues related to health and longevity
  • - CREO-LAB DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, designed to analyse the impact of the use of AI and digital technologies on business dynamics in different areas of society and the economy.

It is an initiative that is part of the Bank's broader commitment to promote training interventions that generate value for businesses and new opportunities for young people.
