
Intercultura: a year abroad for students

Thanks to Intesa Sanpaolo’s   support, this year Intercultura Foundation has once again been able to reserve fourteen scholarships for one-year and six-month international student mobility programmes.

Thanks to Intesa Sanpaolo’s   support, this year Intercultura Foundation has once again been able to reserve fourteen scholarships for one-year and six-month international student mobility programmes.

Moving minds on air 2024-2025! Global education for the young people

Also, for the academic year 2024 -25 Intesa Sanpaolo supports the Intercultura Foundation by allowing 14 young students, particularly deserving students enrolled in secondary schools in Italy, to participate in annual and semester-long international student mobility programmes.

Award meeting and scholarship assignment

On 27 June, an award meeting was held for the 14 students, winners of scholarships for the 2024-2025 school year, accompanied by their families.
The meeting was also attended by 6 students, scholarship winners, children of colleagues from International Subsidiary Banks of Intesa Sanpaolo Group and who are completing their study period in Italy. During the meeting, 2 students, who have already completed their course abroad, will share their experience.

Hosted by Simone Colombo, Logotel, speakers will include:

  • - Elisa Zambito Marsala - Head of Education Ecosystem and Global Value Programs, Intesa Sanpaolo
  • - Roberto Ruffino - Secretary General, Intercultura Foundation
  • - Laura Egoli - Minister Plenipotentiary, Head of Education Unit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation or
  • - Davide Bradanini - Legation Secretary, Training Unit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
  • - Valentina Pagani - Head of Performance & Transformation Management ISBD, Intesa Sanpaolo
  • - Andrea Maria Vaccarezza - Head of Talent Management, Intesa Sanpaolo
  • - Tristan Rigendinger - Presenter, speaker, coach, communication and intercultural training expert, Logotel

Focus on the contest!

The 2024 -2025 contest: the selection criteria

The Intercultura contest for participation in mobility programmes for the 2024-2025 academic year opened on 1 September 2023 with a deadline for applications of 10 November 2023. Thousands of applications were received for the programmes, confirming the desire of young people to be protagonists in their own lives, despite the persistent and heightened uncertainty for the future..
The Commission has applied the meritocratic criterion among the most needy applicants, while also respecting a fair distribution throughout the country.The following scholarships were awarded: Lombardia-1; Veneto-1; Liguria-1; Emilia-Romagna-2; Toscana-2; Marche-2; Sardegna-2; Sicilia-3. 
Students will carry out the program in Mexico, Thailand, Brazil, Costa Rica, Tunisia, Dominican Republic, Philippines, China, Hungary, Slovak Republic, Colombia, Indonesia and Czech Republic.
Moreover, thanks to the support of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group’s foreign banks*, a further 7 students, winners of the annual programme, will arrive in Italy in September 2024.

Banca Intesa Beograd - 3 borse; CIB Bank – 1 borsa; Intesa Sanpaolo Bank  - 1 borsa; Privredna banka Zagreb – 1 borsa

The competition 2023 -2024

The young parties in summer 2023 for annual programs will return to Italy between June and July. In particular, 9 students had experience in: Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Honduras, Peru, Dominican); 3 in Asia (Malaysia, Thailand); 1 in Turkey. 

Intercultura Foundation: a year abroad for students

Intercultura Foundation promotes youth exchanges to foster dialogue between cultures and the internationalization of Italian schools. Since the end of World War II, the Foundation has adopted student exchange as a means of promoting knowledge and solidarity between men and women. Since then, the Intercultura programme has offered the opportunity to study in a foreign school for a year, or for a semester, with the possibility of being hosted by a family in the host country. To facilitate this mobility, also with the support of many supporters, the Foundation offers scholarships to deserving young people from underprivileged families. Selected students are offered a training course that covers the entire mobility period and allows them to fully grasp the meaning of the experience. At the end of the experience, students can join the association as volunteers. Furthermore, in cooperation with Italian and foreign universities, the Foundation offers families meetings and seminars on intercultural education as well as orientation for choosing academic studies. Every year, more than 2,000 Italian secondary school students have the experience of studying abroad and almost as many are welcomed into Italian families and schools.
