
Proxy forms and Representative Appointed by the company

In compliance with Article 106, paragraph 4, of Decree Law no. 18 dated 17 March 2020, converted by Law no. 27 dated 24 April 2020, as subsequently amended, introducing measures in respect of the Covid-19 epidemiologic situation, it is highlighted that participation in, and voting at, the Shareholders’ Meeting shall only be allowed through the Appointed Representative pursuant to Article 135-undecies of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998.

Intesa Sanpaolo has appointed Computershare S.p.A. as its "Appointed Representative", to whom shareholders can submit proxies at no cost and with voting instructions on all or some of the items on the agenda.

The proxy, with voting instructions reserved for the Appointed Representative, must be received:

- by 27 April 2022 (second trading day prior to the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting) by filling and signing the appropriate form, through one of the following methods:

(i) transmission of the original, addressed to Computershare S.p.A., Via Nizza 262/73 - 10126 Torino, anticipating a copy electronically reproduced to intesasanpaolo@pecserviziotitoli.it by ordinary email;
(ii) transmission of a computerised copy thereof (PDF) to intesasanpaolo@pecserviziotitoli.it, provided that the proxy issuer, which may also be a legal person, uses his/her/its certified email address or, if not in possession of such certified email address, signs the PDF using an advanced electronic signature, qualified certificate or digital certificate;
(iii) by fax to +39 0110923202;

- by 12:00 of 28 April 2022 online and in a guided manner directly to Computershare S.p.A..

It is recommended that eligible persons avail themselves of this method to grant proxy (through the IT platform).

The proxy and the voting instructions may be revoked at any time, and may again be conferred with the methods and by the terms specified above (at 24:00 on 27 April 2022 and, for submission through the IT platform, at 12:00 on 28 April 2022).

Other methods of Shareholders’ participation in the Meeting are not permitted.

If necessary the proxy will be sent in hard copy upon request to Computershare S.p.A., tel. +39 011 0923200.

Should you need help or further information, you may contact the Appointed Representative, tel: +39 011 0923200.

To the Appointed Representative, may be conferred, by any delegating, sub-delegates pursuant to Article 135-novies of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998, in derogation from the provisions of Article 135-undecies, paragraph 4, of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998, provided that these contain voting instructions. For this purpose you can use the appropriate proxy form.

Proxy and voting instructions forms published in this section could be amended to include any proposals of resolutions and/or vote on the items on the agenda  that were presented by shareholders until 28 March 2022. In this case, forms will be republished on 14 April 2022 with these proposals, in line with the notice of call.

Please note that in order to legitimize the right of intervention in the Shareholders' Meeting and to exercise the right to vote by the delegating, communication to the issuer by the intermediary at the request of the delegating is always necessary.

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