
How to submit questions and written statements on the items on the agenda before the Shareholders' Meeting

This section offers persons holding voting rights the chance to submit questions on items on the agenda before the Shareholders' Meeting, in accordance with Article 127‐ter of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998.

Questions must contain details identifying the person entitled to vote and must reach the Company by 16 April 2025.

Requesting parties are kindly invited to send notices to the Company, via their intermediary and by the aforementioned deadline, certifying either their entitlement to exercise this right pursuant to Article 43 of the Consob-Bank of Italy joint Regulation dated 13 August 2018, or their right to participate in the Shareholders’ Meeting pursuant to Article 83-sexies of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998. In any case, entitlement to exercise voting rights shall be certified by the third day subsequent to the “record date” (19 April 2025). 

Given that the participation in the Meeting is permitted only through the Appointed Representative, any questions which concern the items on the agenda shall be answered in a specific section of the Company’s website by 12:00 p.m. of 25 April 2025. The Company has the right to provide a single response to questions with the same content.

In the same manner and within the same deadline (16 April 2025) provided for the submission of questions, those entitled to vote may send the Company written statements on the items on the agenda. The statements will be made available to the public, by the Company, in a specific section of the website, within the same deadline of publication of the answers to the questions pursuant to art. 127-ter of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 (25 April 2025).

The questions received, with the relative answers, and the written statements will be referred to in the minutes of the Meeting and attached to the same.

Questions and written statements may be submitted by:
1. the special form below
2. email to domande.assemblea@intesasanpaolo.com
3. registered letter with delivery receipt for the attention of the Shareholders' Office, Corso Inghilterra no. 3, 10138 Torino.

for contact purposes

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(permitted file formats: pdf, jpg, jpeg, bmp, tif, tiff)

Maximum file size 10MB

(indicate at least the name of the intermediary)


Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A., with registered office in Piazza San Carlo 156, 10121 Torino, Parent Company of the Intesa Sanpaolo Banking Group, in its capacity as Data Controller (the “Bank” or the “Data Controller”) processes your personal data (the “Personal Data”) for the purposes indicated in the notice of call.

Purpose and legal basis of the processing

The Personal Data that concern you, are processed by the Bank in order to allow you to exercise the rights related to the ownership of the shares. In particular, the processing of Personal Data allows you to submit your questions and send written statements on items on the Shareholders' Meeting agenda before the date of the Meeting (answers may also be given in nominative form, also by publication on the website group.intesasanpaolo.com, thus becoming part of the Meeting minutes).

The data must be provided in order to make use of the above-mentioned option. Note that if the data is not provided it will not be possible to process your request.

Data processing methods

Your Personal Data will be processed using manual, electronic and telematic tools with logics strictly related to the purpose and in a way that ensures its security and confidentiality.

The data will be retained only for the time necessary to satisfy the purpose for which it was obtained and to comply with legal obligations.

Categories of recipients to whom your personal data may be communicated

To achieve the purposes indicated above, it might be necessary for the Bank to communicate your Personal Data to the following categories of recipients:
1) Companies of Intesa Sanpaolo Group, and the subsidiaries.
2) Third parties (companies, freelancers, etc.), operating within and outside the European Union, providing IT and/or administrative services, appointed as Data Processors.
3) Authorities (e.g. judicial, administrative etc.) and public information systems established at public administrations.

The companies of Intesa Sanpaolo Group and the third parties your Personal Data may be communicated to, act as: 1) Data Controllers, i.e. subjects which determine the purposes and means of the Personal Data processing; 2) Data Processors, i.e. subjects which process the Personal Data on behalf of the Controller or 3) Joint Data Controllers, which determine, together with the Bank, the relevant purposes and means.

The updated list of entities identified as Controllers, Processors or Joint Controllers is available by sending a specific request to Intesa Sanpaolo.

Transferring personal data to a third country or to an international organisation outside the European Union

Your Personal Data are processed by the Bank inside the European Union.

If necessary, for technical or operational reasons, the Bank reserves the right to transfer your Personal Data to countries outside the European Union, vis-à-vis the “adequacy” decisions of the European Commission or based on the appropriate safeguards, or specific derogations provided by Regulation.

Rights of the Data subject

In your capacity as Data subject, you may exercise, at any time towards the Data Controller, the rights provided by art. 15 and following of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (right of access, right to rectification, right to erasure, right to restriction of processing, right to data portability, right to object) by sending a specific request in writing to the e-mail address dpo@intesasanpaolo.com or privacy@pec.intesasanpaolo.com or via post to the address Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A., Piazza San Carlo, 156 - 10121 Torino.

Notwithstanding your right to appeal to any other administrative or jurisdictional court, should you deem that the processing of your Personal Data takes place in breach of the Regulation and/or the applicable regulations, you may lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.

I confirm that I have received, read and understood the terms and conditions set out in the above - mentioned Statement and I agree *

* Required fields
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