
Intesa Sanpaolo named Top Employer for third consecutive year

The image accompanying the News on the recognition of Intesa Sanpaolo among the best employers in Italy, according to the Top Employers Institute, portrays a group of smiling colleagues as they collaborate on drawing up a work program using colored post-it notes hung on a wall transparent

For the third year running, Intesa Sanpaolo was named one of the best employers in Italy by Top Employers Institute, which recognised its commitment to:

  • corporate welfare
  • digital workspace efficiency
  • diversity and inclusion
  • ethics and integrity
  • sustainability

Privredna Banka Zagreb and VUB Banka, subsidiaries of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group in Croatia and Slovakia, were also certified as Top Employers in their respective countries.

Top Employers Institute is a global certifier of excellence in human resources.

Intesa Sanpaolo adopts innovative organisational methods to ensure a sound work-life balance life, a stimulating, dynamic working environment, one of the largest, most developed second-level welfare systems and inclusion and parenting projects.

In view of generational turnover and the Group's growth, Intesa Sanpaolo also plans to attract and develop young talent with 4,600 new hires by 2025, of whom approximately 2,000 in IT and tech, in support of the Group's digital transformation.

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