
Intesa Sanpaolo ranked in Corporate Knights Global 100 Index for sustainability

L’immagine che accompagna la News sulla classifica di Corporate Knights che posiziona Intesa Sanpaolo tra le 100 società quotate più sostenibili al mondo, ritrae la serra bioclimatica del grattacielo di Intesa Sanpaolo a Torino

Once again, Intesa Sanpaolo has been ranked among the 100 most sustainable listed companies in the world in the Corporate Knights Global 100 Index for 2025.

In further detail: Intesa Sanpaolo is the only bank in Italy, the first bank in Europe and the second bank worldwide, based on an analysis that assessed and compared around 8,400 large global listed companies.

The ranking assesses companies according to 25 performance indicators, including:

  • staff and resource management
  • financial management
  • sustainable investments and revenues
  • suppliers

To be eligible for the ranking, companies must identify sustainable solutions as a key part of their business offering, and make significant investments to reduce carbon emissions.

Intesa Sanpaolo’s 2025 ranking reflects the Group’s commitment to social impact, and the strong focus on climate in its 2022-25 Business Plan.

Corporate Knights is a leading media and research company focusing on the sustainable economy.
