
Intesa Sanpaolo supports revitalisation of maritime economy with €5 bln

The image accompanying the News on the revitalization plan of the maritime economy presented by Intesa Sanpaolo, which also includes 5 billion, portrays a container ship at sea

Intesa Sanpaolo is supporting the revitalisation of the maritime economy with a new plan to develop the Special Economic Zones (SEZ) established in southern Italy and the Simplified Logistics Zones (SLZ) under construction in north-central Italy, involving:

  • €5 billion dedicated to production facilities and infrastructure upgrade work
  • an international roadshow to attract capital from abroad
  • a programme of reshoring activities

and, for companies that invest in SEZs and SLZs, the bank has announced an ad hoc soft-rate credit line.

These zones are potentially strategic for the growth of the maritime economy and their purpose is to create synergies between the port-logistics system and the manufacturing sector in order to drive new investments through fiscal and administrative incentives.

Intesa Sanpaolo has taken on the role of economic development driver of the Special Economic Zones and Simplified Logistics Zones, a role that we play in all the activities through which Italian companies express their distinctive know-how and ability to innovate.”

“While the Mediterranean accounts for only 1% of the earth’s seas, 20% of the world’s maritime traffic and 27% of container shipping lines pass through it.”

“Amidst an evolving, yet not declining, globalisation, large regional systems tend to consolidate, including the Mediterranean, which is already particularly well developed, with strong prospects for further growth."


Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, Chairman of Intesa Sanpaolo.
