


Intesa Sanpaolo Casa S.p.A becomes a reality:

the company of the Group operating in

real estate sale and brokerage


·         Carlo Messina, CEO: “We are continuing with the vigorous innovation of our customer relationship in order to achieve the objectives of the Business Plan effectively”


·         The new company, which is part of the Banca dei Territori Division, has set the challenging goal of becoming market leader in the areas of operations


·         Opening of 20 real estate agencies in 7 cities by 2015, rising to 300 in  2017


Milan, 27 January 2015 –Intesa Sanpaolo Group is initiating a new process of evolution and transformation of the services provided by the bank with the creation of Intesa Sanpaolo Casa, the NewCo within the Group specialising in real estate sale and brokerage. As a first step, the first banking group in Italy will introduce real estate agents with dedicated personnel in its branches.


According to ISTAT (the Italian National Statistical Institute) the real estate sector represents 20% of the Italian GNP and about 68% of the total wealth of families. The new business will be complementary to the banking business in observance of regulations. This project is in line with the development objectives of Intesa Sanpaolo’s business plan and in particular with the new service model of the Banca dei Territori, introduced on 19 January which involves the creation of an offer ad hoc to various customer segments.


The entry of Intesa Sanpaolo in the real estate brokerage market thus represents a significant opportunity for further enhancement of some fundamental factors of the Group’s success, such as the high number of clients, brand strength, quality of the personnel and availability of space within the branches.


Intesa Sanpaolo Casa will be controlled 100% by Intesa Sanpaolo and will fall within the bounds of the Banca dei Territori Division which will ensure its overall coordination through Area Sales & Marketing. It will be provided with a streamlined structure by means of its own network of real estate agents with a focus on property sale between private parties (including new bank customers) and between private parties and client builders and will offer distinctive products with the objective of providing buyers and sellers with a range of innovative services in response to the overall distinct needs that hinge on property sale.


By the first half of 2015 the network of Intesa Sanpaolo Casa will count 12 real estate agents in Milan, Rome and Turin rising to 20 by the end of the year covering Bologna, Florence, Padua and Naples and rising to a total of about 300 in 50 Italian cities by 2017. The target at the end of 2017 is to achieve a leading market position in the territories covered and this will be ensured by an innovative approach that calls for quality and professionalism in the services offered.


The network of agents will be deployed in the retail branches of the banks belonging to the Banca dei Territori Division. The separation between banking and real estate business will however be ensured not only in terms of recognisably different physical spaces but also in the different type of commercial and operative activities.


“After the introduction of the Banca Estesa scheme in which branches will be open until the evening and on Saturdays, and after renewing the service model for better segmentation and individual attention to customers, Intesa Sanpaolo Group will be the first large Italian banking group to extend its business with the objective of making a contribution to re-launching the Italian economy with innovative instruments and solutions and to provide an all round quality response to the real needs of families and enterprises” said Carlo Messina, CEO and Managing Director of Intesa Sanpaolo. “We are moving toward the realisation of our Business Plan with concrete effective actions that renew the relationship between the bank and its customers and strengthen it in an atmosphere of growing affinity”.





For information


Intesa Sanpaolo                                                                              

Media relations                                                                                 

Banca dei Territori and local Media                                                             

Tel. 02 87962677


[1] Inland Revenue report, 68% corresponding to about 5,8 billion € of total residential equity of Italian families

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