
Commitment to financial inclusion and customers: data

The Group intends to satisfy customers through an operating machine capable of offering simple solutions that meet their needs, with particular attention to the IT and physical security of customers.

Strong attention is paid to supporting the real economy, ensuring financial support to deserving companies even in times of difficulty, accompanying them in the implementation of innovative restructuring, relaunch and growth solutions. The intervention of the Group in support of the company also translates into initiatives to support the Third Sector and financial inclusion of categories with difficulties in accessing credit despite their potential, with particular reference to young people, their education and training . The offer of sustainable investments and the availability of insurance solutions for customer protection are further qualifying elements of the Group's responsible action.

Our Group, through the Fund for Impact, puts in place various credit measures to support the disbursement of loans at highly subsidized rates, and with long repayment times, to categories of customers not yet served with ordinary criteria.

Andrea Lecce, Head of Impact Direction

Social lending
Social lending: loans disbursed [K euro] Italy Abroad Group
Anti-usury loans 3,611 0 3,611
Loans to the Third Sector 252,399 0 252,399
Products for vulnerable social groups 2,903,059 454,577 3,357,636
Other social loans 21,838 48,829 70,667
Total loans in the social sustainability field* 3,180,906 503,407 3,684,313
Support for people hit by disastrous events 713,950  0 713,950 
Urban regeneration  377,161 0 377,161
Other loans for vulnerable social groups** 747,150 0 747,50
Total social lending 5,019,167 50,3407 552,2573

* Reporting follows the Rules for the classification of sustainable credit products and lending transactions approved by the Group at the end of 2022, for this reason the 2021 and 2022 figures have not been disclosed as they are not comparable. The afore-mentioned Rules include transactions and products falling under the “social sustainability” category: in particular, this category does not currently include lending disbursed to support natural disasters and for urban regeneration purposes. It also does not include ~750 million euro of green loans disbursed in 2023 to young people, already included in the “environmental sustainability” category
** Green loans disbursed to young people

Relations with the Third Sector
Third Sector Network 2021 2022 2023
Customers [No.]  102,023 102,029 10,7053
Customers with loans [No.] 16,781 19,192  16,226
Loans [K euro] 2,801,640  2,852,000  2,786,923
Direct funding [K euro] 6,916,666  6,982,476  6,651,853
Indirect funding [K euro] 2,127,330  2,231,054  2,348,885
Customer experience
Net Promoter Score (NPS) 
by customers type
2021 2022 2023
Retail 16 22 28
Exclusive 14 16 22
Businesses 13 17 22
Third Sector 19 23 31
Agribusiness 8 17 18

Findings collected from Banca dei Territori customers. 

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