
Fund for Impact

The Fund for Impact, a credit plafond for social impact activities, was established in 2019 and confirmed in the 2022-2025 Business Plan; it enables the disbursement of loans to groups in society that would otherwise find it
difficult to access credit despite their potential.

The main products that used the Fund for Impact are:

  •  “per Merito”, the unsecured loan active since 2019, mainly intended for university students, which in 2022 financed 6,000 students by providing them with over 51 million euro;
  •  “Mamma@work”, a loan available since 2020 for working mothers so that they can manage their financial commitments regarding their maternity while maintaining their working position. In 2022, the product financed 75 mothers (about 250 from the start of the initiative), for a total agreed amount of about 1.2 million euro;
  • “XME StudioStation”, a loan to households to assist with distance learning; conceived during the pandemic, this product ceased to be offered during 2022, after supporting more than 1,300 households with loans totalling about 1.8 million euro.

Some of the solutions introduced under the Fund for Impact during 2021 and 2022 were:

  • “Obiettivo Pensione”, a product that funds missing pension contributions for people who have lost their jobs and are waiting to retire
  • Per Crescere”, a loan dedicated to parents with school-age children, aimed at supporting training and education costs such as language courses or expenses for the development of psychomotor skills and speech therapy. Households with an ISEE not exceeding 40,000 euro can have access to a credit line of 2,000 or 3,000 euro per year for a maximum period of 5 years. At the end it is possible to return the sums used in 15 years
  • “Per Avere Cura”, a product aimed at people with severe disabilities or those who care for a non-self-sufficient family member, in order to make healthcare costs more sustainable, such as nursing services or the purchase of healthcare accessories and provide support to caregivers. This is done through a credit line of 6,000 euro per year for a maximum period of 2 years. At the end it is possible to return the sums used in 15 years
  •  “Per Esempio”, dedicated to young people who carry out the Universal Civil Service involved in social assistance projects. People aged 18 to 30, residing in Italy, who have finished an experience of Universal Civil Service and who have to incur expenses related to starting their first work experience, can have access. The loan, repayable in 15 years, is for an amount between 2,000 and 8,000 euro.
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