Consolidated Non-financial Statement as at 30 June 2022 has been published
The Consolidated Non-Financial Report at 30 June 2022 is a infra-annual document that is published voluntarily by the bank and presents a timely monitoring of projects, initiatives and quantitative performance indicators in the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) area.
This year represents an even more important appointment because it also reports on the first initiatives that the Group has launched for the pursuit of the ESG objectives stated in the 2022-2025 Business Plan, in which ESG issues represent one of the four pillars for the solid and sustainable creation of value and for the further strengthening of leadership in the field of sustainability.
As always, the reporting includes the progress made as part of the commitments undertaken by the Group for the pursuit of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Among the most relevant results reported for the first half of 2022:
- new medium and long-term credit to the real economy for about 42.2 billion euro, of which 32.4 billion to households and businesses in Italy
- approximately 51 billion in social lending were disbursed, of which over 21 million euro under the Fund for Impact
- commitments for 500 million euro of new loans to support investments in student housing, sustainable services and infrastructures
- total contribution to the community of 38.8 million euro, with a donation of over 10 million euro in favor of UNHCR and other non-profit organizations for solidarity and hospitality projects for populations affected by the humanitarian emergency in Ukraine
- promotion of about 800 innovation projects over the horizon of the new Business Plan, of which 139 were launched in the first half of 2022
- strengthening the offer of ESG investment products both in asset management and in the insurance sector in accordance with Articles 8 and 9 of the SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation), with an incidence on asset management of 49% for Eurizon and 48% for Fideuram (with a strong increase for Fideuram achieved during the semester)
- loans granted in favor of the green and circular economy for approximately 2.9 billion euro, including the Domus Green loan with 1.4 billion euro disbursed
- continuation of the working groups in the Net-Zero area. The Bank's commitment to contain CO2 emissions materialized in the first half of 2022 with a reduction of around 15% in its own emissions (Scope 1 + 2 Market-based), also thanks to the specific medium-long term actions adopted by the Group and aimed at reducing its consumption.
1 Excluding loans related to the COVID-19 emergency and credit for urban regeneration.