The Intesa Sanpaolo's Code of Ethics has been updated
The Intesa Sanpaolo Group has updated its Code of Ethics that formalises and communicates the Group’s principles, values and commitments as embodying the corporate culture and representing the foundation guidance for all its choices and actions. Through the Code, the Group aims to promote conduct consistent with the highest international and national ethical standards in carrying out its activities and in business management. The Code as well includes and acknowledges sustainability principles as fundamental to guiding the corporate strategy and ensuring a positive impact on the future of the planet and society.
Our new Code is richer in its contents, recalling our new corporate mission, our international commitment about Sustainability, detailing our engagement to avoid any kind of discrimination following the principle of «Equality and Inclusion» and our engagement to contrast climate change and to support the transition towards a more sustainable economy following the principle «Environmental Protection» and, finally, our further effort in communication and training in order to facilitate the adoption of Code’ principles and values into everyday life.
On 28 June 2023, Intesa Sanpaolo Board of Directors approved the latest update of the Code which consists of three main sections:
- the Charter of Relations, which describes the mission, principles and values, commitments and responsibilities of the Group;
- the Principles of Conduct in stakeholder relations;
- the Implementation and Governance mechanisms.
The Code is addressed to the corporate Management and Control Bodies, to the Group’s People and to any Third Party involved in contractual relations, who act, operate and collaborate in any capacity with the companies of the Group. These parties are identified as “recipients” of the Code and are considered such when operating, both in Italy and abroad, on behalf, in favour and in the interest of the Group. The Group requires the recipients to know and comply with the principles and contents of the Code and to apply them, at all times, in carrying out their professional activities and engagements.
The Code is accompanied by the Group Internal Code of Conduct, which sets out the rules of conduct in order to act in all cases with transparency and in full respect of people’s dignity and integrity.
Last updated 29 June 2023 at 18:29:34