Consolidated Non-financial Statement, TCFD and PRB Report 2022
Intesa Sanpaolo presents this year with an an integrated and structured set of sustainability reports, which continue to revolve around the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement (CNFS), accompanied the TCFD Report, which reports information on the climate in compliance with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, and the PRB Report, reserved for reporting progress in the implementation of the Principles for Responsible Banking, which the Bank has signed, undertaking to align its business with the objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and other international agreements such as the Paris Agreement.
In 2022, the Group laid the foundations and started the activities for pursuing the objectives of the 2022-2025 Business Plan in which for the first time one of the four pillars is dedicated to ESG/Climate issues, with which the Group intends to strengthen the its role as a leader in sustainability.
The results achieved in this first year of the new Business Plan and reported in the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement (CNFS), confirm the Group's ongoing commitment to social inclusion, a crucial issue also in view of a just transition, and the strengthening of the commitment to the environment, with particular reference to the fight against climate change and the mitigation of its effects.
Among the main results of 2022 the following:
- €32 bn of credit disbursed in the 2021-2022 period and 8 ESG laboratories activated to support the ESG/Climate transition of companies, out of the €76 bn made available to support the European Green Deal and the NRRP for the 2021-2026 period and at least 12 workshops planned over the business plan
- €2.6 bn of green mortgages granted to individuals out of €12 bn made available over the Business Plan
- the increase from 46% to 54% of the share of Eurizon ESG funds out of the total managed funds
- acceleration of the commitment towards Net-Zero, with the publication in February of the first intermediate targets for 2030 on 4 high-emission sectors (Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Automotive and Coal Mining, which accounted for over 60% of emissions of the portfolio of non-financial companies in the sectors indicated by the NZBA - Net-Zero Banking Alliance), and with the publication in October of the first intermediate targets for 2030 of wealth management companies
- €9.3bn of social credit and urban regeneration, out of a €25bn target over the Plan
- 201 innovation projects, out of a target of 800 over the course of the Plan
- 21.3 million interventions from the "Cibo e riparo per i bisognosi" program (Food and Shelter Program for the needy), out of a target of 50 million interventions
- the opening in Turin and Naples of two new museums of the Gallerie d'Italia, which together reached 480,000 visitors in the four museums
- 92% of Group people trained in ESG compared to the Business Plan target of 100% by 2025
The TCFD Report, in its second edition, broadens and deepens climate reporting. Among the most important evidences, the over 60% reduction of the absolute emissions financed in the four priority sectors (Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Automotive, Coal mining) for which the bank had published the first intermediate targets for 2030 at the beginning of the year.
The PRB Report for the first time in a separate document, reports information previously included in the CNFS, on the activities and results obtained in the implementation of the Principles for Responsible Banking of UNEP FI for the alignment of the Bank's activity with the objectives of the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations and other international agreements such as the Paris Agreement.
All documents, which have been subjected to independent third-party assurance, are available on the Intesa Sanpaolo corporate website.
Last updated 27 March 2023 at 12:27:33