Health and wellbeing

Health and safety

Intending to manage and avoid potential negative impacts on the physical and mental well-being of its people, for some time Intesa Sanpaolo has also adhered to an Occupational Health and Safety Management System compliant with the most advanced international standards. The risks to the health and safety of the Group’s people are assessed according to a multidisciplinary approach, considering the combined effect of the working environment, processes, equipment, and the subjective conditions of workers.


Health and Safety Management System Certification

UNI ISO 45001:2018

The certification, renewed in 2022, covers all of the Intesa Sanpaolo branches and buildings in Italy. The certification body confirmed that the organisation has fully implemented its risk management protocols in line with the current national and industry regulatory requirements and with the ISO/PAS 45005 General guidelines for safe working during the COVID-19 pandemic.


ISO 45003

In 2022, the ISO 45003 certification activities — Occupational health and safety management — Psychological health and safety at work — Guidelines for managing psychosocial risks - were launched and will be finished in 2023. The initiative was taken up in line with the 2022-2025 business plan and the related HSE (Health Safety & Environment) 4.0 Project to assess, among other aspects, each person’s own vulnerabilities by use of new methods and advanced applications.


Biosafety Trust Certification

This certification enhances the set of best practices adopted by the Group to minimise the risks of spreading transmissible and non-transmissible infectious diseases in public and private meeting places.
