Climate change

Own emissions reduction plans

The greenhouse gas emissions reported by Intesa Sanpaolo Group as CO2 equivalent (CO2e) in accordance with the international Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) are made up of direct Scope1 emissions (heating fuel, fleet, F-GAS leaks ) and indirect Scope2 emissions (central air conditioning system and electricity).

Since 2009, Intesa Sanpaolo has developed medium-to long term targets for the reduction of its emissions, with action plans (Climate Change Action Plan of 2017 replaced in 2022 by the Own Emissions Plan) focused on energy and economic savings and the reduction of CO2 emissions).



100% electricity purchased from renewable sources 
(already reached in branches and buildings in Italy)


-53% Scope 1 and 2 Market-Based emissions compared to 2019

Efficiency and optimization of energy consumption

The drafting of the Own Emissions Plan has accelerated various initiatives aimed at reducing energy consumption which have already been applied in the Group for several years.

In addition to actions to improve energy efficiency, the Intesa Sanpaolo Group is committed, where possible, to producing direct electricity through photovoltaic systems and to purchasing electricity produced from renewable sources.


88.2% electricity purchased from renewable sources


1,387 MWh renewable electricity self-produced from photovoltaics


-8.1% electricity consumption vs 2022 
energy efficiency interventions, reorganization of the commercial network and rationalization of offices


-7.5% reduction on average in thermal energy consumption vs 2022

Self-production of energy from renewable sources is increasing and comes from photovoltaic systems installed in Italy (9 of less than 20 kWp and 10 large), two plants in Slovenia and three new plants in Croatia in the various buildings of Privredna Banka Zagreb in Split, Slavonski Brod and Čakovec, which started their production at the end of 2023. The Group's self-production of electricity has enabled economic savings of approximately €308,000 and the avoidance of 639 tonnes of CO2.

Atmospheric emissions

The Group’s strategy to reduce Scope 1 and 2 own emissions which also considers the use and composition of the company fleet, also leveraged important results in 2023 in the reduction of energy consumption, obtained thanks to the continuous improvement in terms of energy efficiency, space optimization and progressive adoption of hybrid and electric vehicles, in line with the targets set by the Own Emissions Plan.


-53% own emissions1 2019-2030 in line with the 2030 carbon neutrality commitment of the 2022-2025 Business Plan




-28% own emissions


-6.8% emissions per employee


-7.5% emissions per surface

Mobility management

As well as reducing the need to commute through the consolidation of flexible work and training (e.g. remote working), Intesa Sanpaolo facilitates people daily commuting, improving their quality and promoting sustainable forms of transport.

As well as a Mobility Manager, as required by the regulations, the Group organisation includes a coordination team and a Local Mobility Manager for every town to ensure extensive monitoring in line with Intesa Sanpaolo widespread presence.

The main projects and services are aimed at reducing private individual transport and related CO2 emissions and renewing the company fleet according to criteria that promote respect for the environment.

Mobility management initiatives

Mobility management

Mobility management
Mobility Ticket
Subscriptions to public transport
platform to request annual public transport season tickets for some cities directly from the workstation, with the option of paying in monthly instalments and taking advantage of discounted fares where available
Company shuttles
Support to mobility
service available in a number of sites not served by local public transport

Forecast savings of over 589 tonnes of CO2 in Italy


Company carpooling
Sharing service of the private car
on the home-work route in which several people with similar routes and working hours, in order to improve the quality of transfers, make savings on transport expenses, and reduce traffic congestion, pollution and road accidents
Transportation sharing services
run by ALI (Intesa Sanpaolo Employees’ Association) to share car, bicycle, motor and electric scooter via partnerships with the main networks in numerous cities
Company fleet
Electric, plug-in or hybrid car
almost all of the car models outlined in the company policies are electric, plug-in or hybrid. The gradual electrification of the fleet has also resulted in the launch of projects for the installation of charging stations at the main company sites
Support initiatives
various initiatives such as the possibility of parking foldable bicycles and/or scooters in company car parks, a plan to install racks to park traditional and electrically assisted pedal bicycles, and dedicated contributions by the Employees’ Association (ALI).


(1) The emissions reported refer to the Scope 1 and 2 Market-Based components. Scope 2 emissions are counted as zero for electricity purchased with Guarantee of Origin certificates from renewable sources.
