Financial inclusion

Financial inclusion and supporting production

Intesa Sanpaolo pays central importance to supporting the economic and social growth of the communities in which it operates. It's a commitment deep-rooted in the Group’s history and way of operating and that finds reference in the principles of "Access to credit and financial inclusion" and "Supporting the development of the country" outlined in the Ethical Code, as well as in the objectives of the 2022-2025 Business Plan. 


Real-economy Bank

Intesa Sanpaolo has made available significant resources for households and businesses supporting the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) and supports deserving businesses even in times of difficulty to find innovative solutions to help them recover and safeguard employment.  


>€400 bn medium/long-term credit to businesses and households in support of the NRRP


€328 bn medium/long-term credit to the real economy


€285 bn medium/long-term credit to the real economy in Italy


€60.4 bn medium/long-term credit granted to the real economy


€40.3 bn medium/long-term credit granted to the real economy in Italy

Social Lending

The Bank contributes to creating business and employment opportunities with particular attention to young people and households in difficulty through anti-usury loans; products and services for associations and Third Sector entities; products aimed at promoting financial inclusion of most vulnerable social groups; loans to support populations affected by calamitous events; other social loans.


€25 bn new loans to non-profit organisations, vulnerable, and young people


€14.8 bn disbursed


€5.5 bn disbursed (1)
9.1% of the total loans

Composition of Social lending 2023 (1)

Products for vulnerable social groups (2) €4,105 m
Anti-usury loans and other social loans €53 m
Support for people affected by calamitous events €714 m
Loans to the Third Sector €252 m
Urban regeneration €377 m

In consideration of the growing importance of ESG issues in recent years, at both a political and regulatory level and for greater internal and external transparency on sustainable products and transactions deemed sustainable, in 2022 the Group approved the "Rules for the classification of sustainable credit products and credit transactions".

Urban regeneration

As part of the Business Plan, the Group has committed to supporting investments in sustainable infrastructure and services. Intesa Sanpaolo's commitment involves the development of strategic initiatives open to the contribution of industrial and institutional investors, operators in the real estate sector. The aim is to amplify the economic, environmental and social impact of urban regeneration through investments and partnerships. In 2023, commitments for 639 million euro were made (over €1.2 billion in the period 2022-2023).

Social Bond

In October 2022 Intesa Sanpaolo started the placement of Social Bonds, with an issue in euro which was followed in May 2023 by an issue in sterling, both dedicated to financing or refinancing the Social categories of the "Green, Social and Sustainability Framework" of June 2022.

The issuance portfolios are mainly made up of loans to SMEs operating in disadvantaged areas (including COVID loans) and to non-profits operating in sectors of particular social focus (health, education, welfare and solidarity).

The Intesa Sanpaolo's Social Bonds

The Intesa Sanpaolo's Social Bonds

The Intesa Sanpaolo's Social Bonds
Issue of £750m nominal value
£1,6bn order book

The largest order book ever achieved by an Italian banking issuer on this market

€750 m issue
€1.3bn order book

70% investors specialized in ESG issues. The Bank's first social issue.


(1) The reporting follows the Rules for the classification of credit products and sustainable credit operations approved by the Group at the end of 2022 and also includes the credit disbursed in support of disasters and for urban regeneration, and ~€750m of green financing provided to young people in 2023. 
(2) Includes ~€750m of green financing provided to young people in 2023  


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