Financial inclusion

Supporting Third sector

Through the Impact Department of Banca dei Territori, Intesa Sanpaolo supports the activities of the Third Sector with a dedicated commercial offer. The Solidarity and Development Fund facilitates, with methods like those of the Fund for Impact, the granting of credit to organizations with good outlooks but difficulties in accessing credit.



€2.8 bn loans in the Third Sector


€252 m loans disbursed during the year

(RIM) Impact Detector

Using a special version of the RIM, Intesa Sanpaolo notes the expected effects of financing to the Third Sector supported by the Solidarity and Development Fund. In 2023, results for 2022 were published. A total of 662 questionnaires were filled in, which correspond to loans of around 261 million euro and the first results highlight that:

- in 56% cases there would have been no alternatives to the loan from Intesa Sanpaolo

- every million euro lent will generate 14 new jobs and preserve another 58

- over 19 thousand jobs will be created within the funded organizations, with an additional 9,000 as indirect effect on target communities

- Overall, 1.2 million people will benefit, in the long run, from the activities financed by Intesa Sanpaolo.

In June 2024, the 2023 report was published with the results of the social and environmental impact of 662 initiatives promoted by non-profit organizations and financed with 189 million euros during 2023.

The main results:

- 1.2 million potential beneficiaries per year, considering all initiatives at full capacity

- 25,800 jobs (created or preserved) related to the funded initiatives (of which 18,800 in the funded organizations and 7,000 with a direct effect on the reference communities)

- 4 macro-sectors most benefited: social assistance and civil protection (50 million euro), education and training (37 million euro), healthcare and healthcare (35 million euro)

- Intesa Sanpaolo credit is considered fundamental by customers: for 59% of the initiatives there would have been no alternatives to financing from the Bank.


For Funding is the Group’s social crowdfunding platform aimed at non-profit organisations that want to start a fundraising campaign to support high-impact projects, a unique and distinctive model in the world of social crowdfunding and financing for nonprofit projects..
Initiatives are selected by an internal team which assesses the beneficiary organisation and the type of projects in order to highlight the most deserving ones. Every transaction is free of charge to the donor and the beneficiary.
To stimulate donations and increase their impact, Intesa Sanpaolo is personally committed through its own donations, including through the devolution of a portion of its margins on some products subscribed by customers to For Funding projects with a mission consistent with that of the products themselves (e.g. Green Loan, S-Loan, “Exclusive” credit card).


€10.2 m raised from donation


€30 given by the Bank for each Green Mortgages
for project of environmental sustainability


€200 given by the Bank for each S-Loan
for projects with high social impact


50% of the interchange fees on the “Exclusive” credit card are donated by the Bank
for the support to projects aimed at aiding social vulnerabilities

Donations trough Intesa Sanpaolo platform For Funding

Destination of donations

Destination of donations
S-loan donation
€200 for each S-Loan donated to projects with high social impact
The donations related to the S-loans supported "Obiettivo Remain" of Associazione Volare, an initiative that aims to facilitate remote working through the creation of equipped and modern offices closer to those who work and their social fabric and "Quotidianità che Cura" of Associazione Casa OZ, an organization specialized in offering support to children and young people in conditions of illness and disability and to their families.
 Interchange fees
50% of the interchange commissions of the Exclusive credit card donated to support projects to help social fragilities
The contributions from the interbank commissions were allocated to the Community Sant'Egidio project "Paths to Restart Together", for the distribution of basic necessities and for listening, consultancy and orientation services in Italy, and to the project "Reception and humanitarian care " of the Bambino Gesù Foundation", to strengthen the reception activities of the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital dedicated to economically fragile families, coming from all over Italy and from countries in difficulty, guaranteeing free care, accommodation and assistance also through cultural mediation.
Donation for each Mutuo Green (Green Mortgage)
€30 for each Mutuo Green donated to environmental sustainability projects
In 2023, the donations related to the Green Mortgages supported the “Forestami - Donate for a greener future” project of the Milan Community Foundation, for the urban forestation of the city through the planting of 3 million new trees by 2030 and the “ Priceless Planet" by the Donor Foundation, in support of the Mastercard initiative to plant 100 million trees worldwide by 2025.

Formula Program

Within the For Funding platform, the program supports projects focused on environmental sustainability, social inclusion, and access to the job market for disadvantaged individuals. Each quarter, the Group's territorial structures identify outstanding local nonprofit organizations that carry out interventions for community relief and development in their respective areas. The bank collaborates with these organizations to define a dedicated project and launches a fundraising campaign to support it through the For Funding platform. Additionally, the Bank contributes to the support by allocating 1.5 euro (increased to 2 euro since July 1, 2023) for many of the products purchased by customers online and promotes donations through its own channels.


€7.1 m raised from donations from the Bank and its customers 
Including €740,000 allocated to local projects supported under the Formula in the last quarter of 2023 and disbursed in January 2024.


€5.9 million allocated to 52 local projects
Inclusive of €740,000 designated for projects supported under the Formula in the last quarter of 2023 and disbursed in January 2024.


€1.2 million allocated to two national initiatives of relevance by the Don Carlo Gnocchi Foundation 
Initiatives "Guardians of Beauty" and "Digital Innovation alongside the Lives of the Most Vulnerable"
