
Digital and Sustainable Finance and Markets

The collaboration between Intesa Sanpaolo and the Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, which has been active for several years in initiatives to support study and research, continues.

From the next academic year at the Department of Economics of the Università degli Studi dell'Insubria the curriculum in 'Digital and Sustainable Finance and Markets - FiMeDiS' of the master's degree course in 'Economics, Law and Corporate Finance' will be launched.
This is a new curriculum characterised by an interdisciplinary approach and innovative teaching methods.
Intesa Sanpaolo
will contribute to the new degree course through co-teaching activities by Group managers designed to provide students with applied perspectives with specially designed content and business cases.

Sustainable Finance and Digital Finance

In today's global financial ecosystem, sustainable finance is emerging as a key pillar generating profound transformations in consumer and investor behaviour, both of which are increasingly focused on seeking financial returns that are mindful of and consistent with environmental, social and governance impacts.
In the same ecosystem, thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, the widespread use of internet investment platforms and devices in the provision of financial services and products, digital finance is becoming increasingly relevant.
The mix of sustainable finance and digital finance can accelerate the development of responsible and sustainable investments and can also increase financial inclusion.

The Intesa Sanpaolo and Università degli Studi dell'Insubria collaboration

The younger generations - already digitally immersed and highly sensitive to sustainability - are attracted by career opportunities offered by companies already committed to renewing themselves with new organisational and business models, as well as products and services designed to strive for zero impact.

Compared to these factors and the speed of change in the sector, there is a skills gap that needs to be filled, so universities and financial players must train people with the specific skills and abilities to ensure the positive transformation of the sector driven by a commitment to effective and credible sustainability.

Intesa Sanpaolo and the University of Insubria - making these commitments their own - will collaborate in the teaching of the new FiMeDiS course through co-teaching activities, a collaboration that represents a way of bringing the Academy closer to the industrial tissue and generating value for the country system.

The 'Digital and Sustainable Finance and Markets - FiMeDiS' curriculum


The curriculum aims to provide students with a specialisation with reference to financial markets and intermediaries and the financial management of companies, through the study and in-depth study of specific management, regulatory and quantitative issues. It pays particular attention to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues and their applicability in the development of financial markets and applied advanced technology.

Didactic structure

The degree programme provides for a mixed (face-to-face and distance) teaching delivery method. Among other things, the didactics includes:

  • - co-teaching workshops - capable of proposing research paths that connect the professionalism of lecturers and experts in the field with the proactivity and curiosity of students to gain experience by searching for and elaborating meanings and representations on specific topics;
  • - on-site and off-site teaching activities - which include seminars, testimonials, operational thematic workshops and other innovative training activities conducted and/or held also at organisations and institutions and mainly aimed at enhancing competences and soft skills.

The collaborative design of content between business professionals and academics is an added value as it combines academic knowledge with the experience of business and the world of work.
Colleagues from Intesa Sanpaolo's Finance department will participate in the co-design of a workshop.

Outbound profiles

FiMeDiS provides a high level of specialisation that will enable future graduates to enter the world of work in various fields, e.g. in positions of responsibility within banks, securities brokerage firms, other financial and fintech companies, financial advisory firms, financial sector supervisory bodies, researchers and experts in financial research and analysis offices.

Commitment to the young

The emphasis on sustainability and the pressing need for digitisation are changing the way companies and individuals approach the world of finance.
In the long term, the economic value of investments will increasingly change according to their social and sustainable value.
It will therefore be appropriate to increase training opportunities for young people in order to raise awareness of the challenges of achieving sustainable development goals.

Outbound profiles

FiMeDiS provides a high level of specialisation that will enable future graduates to enter the world of work in various fields, e.g. in positions of responsibility within banks, securities brokerage firms, other financial and fintech companies, financial advisory firms, financial sector supervisory bodies, researchers and experts in financial research and analysis offices.

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