
Gallerie d’Italia - Milano: a place of art and culture

The image of the news that talks about the headquarters of the Gallerie d'Italia in Milan portrays the facade of the building of the Gallerie d'Italia in Piazza Scala in Milan, in a somewhat dark context, with the internal lights on as well as those of the street lamps in the square

The Gallerie d’Italia – Milan are distributed between Palazzo Brentani, Palazzo Anguissola Antona Traversi and the former Banca Commerciale Italiana, three symbolic buildings of the city that were designed between the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century by the two most important Italian architects of the period.

Alongside the permanent exhibitions, Milan’s Gallerie d’Italia are offering temporary exhibitions staged in accordance with original scientific projects, thanks to loans and exchanges with major national and international museum institutions.

In addition to being a museum space, the Gallerie d’Italia - Milan represent a point of reference in the cultural life of the territory with a rich agenda of events, such as conferences, study days, book presentations and poetry readings; also intense the teaching activity dedicated to children and older people, which has involved, free of charge, thousands of children and young people from the territory’s schools.


“Felice Carena”
L’immagine che accompagna la News sulla mostra che le Gallerie d’Italia – Milano dedicano a Felice Carena ritrae l’opera “Estate (L’amaca)” dell’artista

The Gallerie d'Italia – Milan is dedicating an exhibition to one of the most important but least-known artists of the 20th century: an opportunity to rediscover and appreciate the great painter's artistic journey 145 years from his birth.


Felice Carena - Estate (L’amaca), 1933 -Torino, GAM - Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea      
Su concessione della Fondazione Torino Musei - foto: Studio Fotografico Gonella 2024
