
Future competences: meeting programme with 10,000 students kicks off

With the "Build Your Future" project, Intesa Sanpaolo is meeting 10,000 students across Italy to offer them the opportunity to discuss the key skills of the future, useful for their education, in the light of the transformations that are impacting the way we live and work.

The main topics discussed during the meetings, organised in collaboration with secondary schools and universities, include:

  • digitalisation
  • artificial intelligence
  • blue economy
  • space economy
  • life sciences
  • ecological transition

with contributions from experts, professionals, university lecturers, entrepreneurs and start-ups.

The meetings also provide opportunities for in-depth discussions on the role of new technologies and the importance of soft skills for successfully coping with transformational trends in society.

"Build Your Future" is an inspirational and engaging format, part of Intesa Sanpaolo's commitment to Education, whose initiatives in 2023 alone have involved more than 2,000 schools and universities, with plans to involve more than 4,000 over the Business Plan horizon.

“Build Your Future” meetings make stops in several of Italy's major cities and universities, including Turin, Rome, Genoa and Bergamo.

Precisely in order to promote the employability of young people, understanding and anticipating changes, Intesa Sanpaolo has also promoted the permanent Observatory “Look4ward”, with the aim of identifying the needs for new skills for the professions of the future, increasingly characterised by a mix of vertical technical, transversal and relational skills. 

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