News Archive
Intesa Sanpaolo has been rewarded for its commitment against climate change
Intesa Sanpaolo has been rewarded with the Industry Carbon Leader 2016 award thanks to its position in the ET Index Research ranking: 21^ out of 300 at European level and 50^ out of 800 at global level (221 KB).
Intesa Sanpaolo adheres to the VIII edition of the "European Week for Waste Reduction"
Once again Intesa Sanpaolo takes part to the "European Week for Waste Reduction", an initiative scheduled November 19 to 27, which is promoted by the European Commission and patronised by the highest State offices in order to rise the attention of Institutions, businesses, schools and consumers about strategies aimed at reducing waste production (238 KB).
The fifth Italian SRI Week is coming up from November 15th to 24th
The program of the main initiative in Italy on the issue of sustainable finance is particularly rich, featuring ten scheduled events - all open and with free admission - that will take place in Milan and Rome. Among the main topics discussed: climate change, social impact investing, the importance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues for Italian Foundations, financial education, the protection of children's rights.
Intesa Sanpaolo listed in the CDP "A list" index
Intesa Sanpaolo was aknowledged, with the inclusion in the CDP "A List" index, among world leaders for its commitment to reducing carbon emissions and mitigating the risks of climate change - October 25, 2016 (431 KB Italian version).
Banca Prossima received recognition at the Green Globe Banking Award - October 20, 2016
During the Green Globe Banking Conference held in Milan, the Green Globe Banking Award, recognition for the green best practices in banking sector, Indirect Impacts category, is given to Banca Prossima. The winning project was the "energy efficiency" program for non-profit organizations launched by Banca Prossima with Federesco (Federation of Italian Energy Service Company).
(Press release - PDF 310 KB Italian version )
The 2016 Community Paper has been published
The Paper describes the contribution given in 2015 by the Intesa Sanpaolo Group in support of the community.
The framework adopted has been developed by the London Benchmarking Group, the global level reporting standard to which Intesa Sanpaolo adhered in 2013. The report provides, through case studies, detailed feedback of the impact assessment of selected contributions. (3,289 KB)
Intesa Sanpaolo confirmed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
The Intesa Sanpaolo Group was confirmed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World and Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe, ranking among the global companies most engaged in economic, social and environmental sustainability - September 8, 2016 (103 KB)
Intesa Sanpaolo has been confirmed in the FTSE4Good Indices
- July 6, 2016.
The "Stakeholder Engagement 2015 and Improvement Objectives 2016" paper has been published
The paper describes the engagement initiatives implemented by Corporate Social Responsibility, in close collaboration with all Bank Departments that manage relations with stakeholders.
The results of these initiatives – the expectations of stakeholders – contribute to defining the improvement objectives for each department, in line with the strategies of the Business Plan. (3,746 KB)
The Sustainability Report 2015 has been published
The new edition of the Sustainability Report confirms the Group's attention towards the social and environmental responsibility issues and their increasing integration with the core business of the bank, as stated in the Business Plan 2014-2107.
"Diversity & Inclusion Award Diversitalavoro"
Intesa Sanpaolo is rewarded once again with the "Diversity & Inclusion Award Diversitalavoro", which is given to companies that promote policies to provide work for disadvantaged people, aiming at enhancing talent and skills - 9/6/2016.
Intesa Sanpaolo participates in the "M'illumino di meno" campaign
The bank is again taking part in the "M'illumino di meno" initiative, sponsored by Caterpillar, a Rai Radio 2 programme, which aims at energy saving and rationalising consumption - 19/2/2016 (203 KB).
Last updated 5 December 2016 at 14:00:00