Community and culture

Partnerships with social impact

Leveraging on consolidated relationships and activating new relational networks, the Bank continues to create forms of partnerships arranged with Third Sector organisations and bodies, creating real solidarity ecosystems. It is a series of structured initiatives that are characterised by the widespread nature of the actions, plurality of entities involved, multiannual programming and the ability to respond to needs.

This affirms an innovative and resilient operational system, which relies on co-design as a method of intervention along two lines to combating poverty and to support social cohesion and inclusion. Not only a response to need, therefore, but a careful construction of opportunities through a transversal design for the achievement of the key objective of the UN’s 2030 Agenda: leaving no one behind and ensuring greater well-being for all.


2022-2025 Targets

50 m actions in support of people in need
6,000-8,000 social housing units for young people and senior

Cibo e riparo per i bisognosi (Food and Shelter for people in need) Programme

The new Business Plan provides for the expansion of the Food and Shelter Programme for the needy to combat poverty and to support people in difficulty providing tangible support at the local level in Italy and abroad in cooperation agreements entered into with important local social organisations.

Program actions

21.3 m actions

21.3 m actions
~ 15.9 million meals
Distribution of meals through organizations active in the territory.

The leading partnerships included confirmation for another four years of the Basic Agreement with the Fondazione Banco Alimentare (strengthen and increase the capacity for recovery and distribution of food for local charitable organisations) and the Agreement on the project “Ri-pescato: dal mercato illegale al mercato solidale from the illegal market to the solidarity market) (recover and process fish seized by the Coast Guard and then distribute it to local charities). 

~2.2 million beds
Offering of beds as part of projects dedicated to offering hospitality.

Some initiatives coincide with those indicated for the meals objective. In fact, non-profit organisations offer people in need both food and a place to stay, also on just a temporary basis.

~3 million medicines
The Partnership with the Fondazione Banco Farmaceutico was confirmed for 2022-2025.
Items of clothing
~264,000 items of clothing
The project for the recovery and distribution of surplus production continued for the fifth consecutive year.

The “Golden Links” project  in partnership.with Caritas Italiana and some of the Bank’s customer-companies producing basic necessities.

Social inclusion and cohesion

Intesa Sanpaolo promotes social inclusion and local cohesion by directing its project activities with a view to rebalancing inequalities. The activities centres around a structural system of relationships for the joint planning of actions, in favour of those in a position of disadvantage, struggling to reach that minimum threshold of well-being and dignity that should be everyone’s right.

Assistance to the elderly, young people and families

The partnership with Caritas Italiana continues through the programme “Aiutare chi Aiuta: un Sostegno Alle Nuove Fragilità” (Helping the Helpers: Support in Favour of New Vulnerabilities), in particular with the project “Non più Soli una rete solidale per la terza età” (No Longer Alone: A Solidarity Network for the Elderly) a long-term programme aimed at supporting the Italian Dioceses through calls for tenders managed by Caritas Italiana and the Bank that involves the creation of toll-free numbers in each diocese, delivery services of basic necessities (food and medicines) and co-housing solutions for temporary shelter.


The three-year partnership (2021-2023) with FOM - Fondazione Oratori Milanesi - created the project “Oratori di periferia” (Suburban Parish Recreation Centres), a social regeneration initiative in the Diocese of Milan aimed at refocusing on communities. Active in 30 parishes in the Milan hinterland, the programme aims to rebuild the social fabric of the peripheral areas involved, redefine a community identity and support families from situations of hardship and educational poverty, with a focus on young people.

Projects for the childhood

With the WeBecome project, Intesa Sanpaolo directs its attention to children in primary schools, addressing issues of digital civics, bullying and cyberbullying, diversity, addictions, but also food and nutrition, innovation and development of individual potential.

The project based on a free online platform aimed to provide an important support for distance learning during the pandemic.

2022 Results

>2,000 schools involved
15,000 active users
>230,000 views of available contents

Other important projects focus on the psychophysical well-being of children, also in collaboration with leading healthcare facilities at a national level:

  • Programma Educativo Intesa Sanpaolo per Bambini Lungodegenti (Intesa Sanpaolo’s Educational Programme for children who are long-term patients), active in cutting-edge hospitals in Padua, Bologna, Turin, Naples, Monza and Genoa. In 2022, the nursery school at the Paediatrics Department - Cancer and Haematology Section of the Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bari was opened. Over 500 children enrolled, 100% in the nursery age bracket;
  • Partnership with the Bambino Gesù Paediatric Hospital for the creation of two new medical centres dedicated to eating disorders and the autism spectrum in children;
  • Partnership with the Comitato Maria Luisa Verga for a research project on Sport Therapy and Psychological Well-being.

Combating addiction

Intesa Sanpaolo is well aware that ensuring a healthy life and promoting the well-being of all individuals at all ages is a fundamental element in achieving sustainable development. The programmes set up to combat addiction go in this direction, such as the partnership with the Fondazione San Patrignano to provide it with support with its activities offering shelter and promoting the WeFree prevention campaign; a form of support that is expressed through webinars offered to the Intesa Sanpaolo population to assist with parenting thanks to collaboration with experts who work with the Fondazione San Patrignano. 


Social housing

As part of the 2022-25 Business Plan, the Group has announced one of the most extensive social housing programmes in Italy through the promotion of houses (about 6,000-8,000 dwellings) for young people (families, workers, students) and seniors (e.g. elderly people with limited incomes who live alone). The initiative will be launched in 2023 and developed over the coming years as a medium-long term Project. On 2022 was completed the design of the project with the preliminary phase of analysing the context.

