Financial inclusion

People and households

Intesa Sanpaolo provides a range of products and services to promote financial inclusion and access to credit, as levers of social inclusion for enabling people to improve their lives and fully exercise their citizenship rights.


Fund for Impact

Fund for Impact is a credit plafond for social impact loans, created in 2019 and confirmed in the 2022-2025 Business Plan; it enables the disbursement of loans to categories that would otherwise find it difficult to access credit despite their potential.

Main areas of action

€53 m made available

€53 m made available
University students
Per Merito
the first unsecured credit line dedicated to all university students resident in Italy, studying in Italy or abroad

over 6,000 students granted loans for over 51 million euro

Working mother
loans that allow working mothers to manage their financial commitments regarding motherhood while maintaining their working position.

75 mothers granted loans (250 since the launch of the initiative in 2020) ) with 1.2 million euro

Distance learning
XME StudioStation
product designed for households during the pandemic to assist with remote learning

over 1,300 households granted loans, for a total of about 1.8 million euro (offer ended in 2022).

Impact Detector (RIM)

The Impact Detector (RIM) is a pre-lending questionnaire, that is proposed to all customers interested in a Fund for Impact loan to estimate the positive impact it can generate. For some products, the impact analysis goes far beyond well-being aspects, covering, for example, impacts such as increased net income in the long term, higher tax revenues, increased employability or lower chances of developing illnesses. The most common estimated impact is higher long-term income.

Households and young people

Support for people in vulnerable conditions is provided through projects and initiatives aimed at fostering financial inclusion and access to credit, also through agreements and synergies with local players and accession to public and system initiatives. 

Intesa Sanpaolo adheres to the Guarantee Fund for Main Home Purchases, established by the 2014 Italian Stability Law and refinanced for the years 2021 and 2022 with the Sostegni-bis Decree published in May 2021.


2022 Results

Specific initiatives are aimed at young people, not only for the purchase of their first home, but also to finance studies (e.g. StudioSì for tertiary education courses consistent with the National Strategy for Smart Specialisation), promote savings (e.g. SMART SAVE for subscribing to funds starting from 5 euro), manage payments and services (e.g. Flash Up Studio prepaid card to allow students of affiliated Universities to make payments, receive scholarships and any emoluments and, if applicable, use university services and access university premises).

Support for women victims of violence

The Group signed up to the Agreement for women victims of violence signed by ABI and the main trade unions. For women included in certified security programmes, who are in economic difficulty, the agreement provides for the suspension of repayment of the capital portion in mortgages and for personal loans for 18 months. The Bank also provided for the suspension of the entire instalment in order to offer greater support.

Women enterpreneurs

With Business Gemma the Bank offers a medium-to-long-term loan aimed at supporting any type of investment or liquidity need related to the professional economic activity of companies run by women and of self-employed women. 

2022 Result

Women value company award

To support gender equality and enhance the role of women in entrepreneurship, Intesa Sanpaolo promotes the “Women Value Company - Intesa Sanpaolo” award, together with the Marisa Bellisario Foundation. The award, now in its sixth edition, is given to small and medium-sized enterprises that implemented concrete and innovative policies and strategies to guarantee equal opportunities and careers recognition for men and women. Among about 800 candidates from all over Italy for the 2022 edition, 100 SMEs received awards during the final event that was held in June 2022.

Urban regeneration

As part of the new Business Plan, the Group is committed to supporting investments in hospitals, smart mobility, broadband networks and education, sustainable infrastructure and services.

Intesa Sanpaolo's commitment includes development using strategic initiatives open to contributions from industrial and institutional investors, operators in the real estate sector, national credit agencies and supranational bodies to amplify the economic, environmental, and social impact of urban regeneration. In 2022, commitments for 616 million euro were made.

Financial education

Through the Museo del Risparmio (MdR - Savings Museum), Intesa Sanpaolo carries out financial education and economic citizenship initiatives to raise awareness among young people and adults about the importance of informed management of resources, whether financial or natural. 

2022 Results

Young Factor

Project in partnership with the Osservatorio Permanente Giovani-Editori (Young Publishers’ Permanent Observatory), to promote critical reading and economic and financial literacy among young people. Developed within the scope of the “Il Quotidiano in Classe” (The Newspaper in Class) initiative, through the reading of several daily newspapers in comparison aims to help young people develop the critical mind indispendable to be  free citizens tomorrow, it involved over 661,000 students in 2022.

In June 2022, the international conference entitled “Young Factor: un dialogo tra giovani, economia e finanza” (Young Factor: a dialogue between young people and the economic and financial world), for the first time ever, brought together the Vice-President of the European Central Bank, six central banks governors (Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal and Holland), national and international bankers and 350 students from all over Europe, with the aim of discussing how to enhance economic and financial literacy among young people, and their sense of belonging to the European Union. The governors in attendance and the president of the Osservatorio Permanente Giovani-Editori signed a document of understanding to promote this common project at an international level.


(1) Disbursements of the Mutuo Giovani product, included among home loans within the scope of the Guarantee Fund for Main Home Purchases.
(2) Expenses through instalments, subsidised loans and free flexibility options on loans.

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