
Futurità: sustainability, digital citizenship and new professions

The third edition of Futurità, the sustainability education and digital citizenship project created by Intesa Sanpaolo's with WeSchool, has concluded.

Futurità is Intesa Sanpaolo's civic and digital education project carried out in collaboration with WeSchool, the startup that offers innovative digital teaching methodologies to the school world. 
Futurità aims to bring high school students closer to the world of sustainable economy and the new professions related to it. 
This fourth edition saw the participation of  over 1300 male and female students from 62 classes in 21 high schools throughout Italy.


Why Futurità

Futurità was designed Futurità is designed to develop knowledge around the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda and to give students consistent elements of guidance in choosing the university studies or profession they would like to pursue. 
L’Agenda 2030 dell’ONU The UN Agenda 2030 proposes, among others, the development goal of Education for Sustainability, which is not only about preserving the environment and natural resources, but also about building environments, cities, and ways of living that are inclusive and respectful of people's fundamental rights. 
In this framework, we want to be at the side of schools to propose participatory experiences in which students can become promoters of actions of renewal and interconnection between environment, economy and social relations. To this end, together with the partners we have built an educational path that offers teachers and students the opportunity to approach the idea of “futurity,” understanding it as the ability to foresee a context of imminent realization, to project oneself in work and to orient choices accordingly. With Futurity, students and teachers can, together, imagine, design and implement multidisciplinary activities marked by sustainability. 


The project

Futurità is part of the Group's Education plans and has a twofold objective: the first is to inspire the younger generation about the new transformational trends in society and the economy related to sustainability and digitization and to foster the development of the skills needed to meet the challenges of the future; the second is to propose learning tools for third- and fourth-grade students to understand the mechanisms underlying sustainable economic development strategies.


The didactic structure

In addition In addition to the U.N. 2030 Agenda and environmental sustainability, Futurità offers girls and boys highly topical issues such as data privacy on social media, smart mobility and new digital professions.
The blended teaching modality includes activities to be carried out online and moments of discussion in the classroom. The course content is always available through the digital platform. The different topics-treated in a simple, interactive way and with direct and immediate languages-are made available through video testimonials, information pills, learning paths and online gamification, and experiential activities in the classroom.
The learning path is developed in four modules.
The first module-dedicated to the themes of Agenda 2030  Agenda 2030 and the data economy-provides reflections on the impact of our economy, talking about sharing mobility, home automation, 5G, themes close to the world that young people know and experience closely.
The second module focuses on the new frontiers of connectivity and digital innovation. Students learn what is meant by 5G, IoT and AI, how these technologies are changing the world of work and how they can help us create a more sustainable future.
The third module, developed with a view to university and career orientation, explores tomorrow's professions in the field of sustainability through video interviews with professionals such as the Environmental Risk Manager or Digital Transformation Manager, who explain how sustainability has concrete implications for the organization of companies.
The last module is a challenge in which students test themselves at the role play “A CEO's Week.” In the game, the students, divided into groups, step into the role of a CEO and face the development of a project to improve the sustainability quotient of their company by imagining strategies and actions to face the challenges of the future. This is a moment in which the students test themselves by erasing the existing gap between theory and practice.
The project works carried out by the students at the end of the course are evaluated by a scientific committee based on criteria of feasibility, creativity, originality, and impact that rewards the best ones with an educational opportunity.

The community for teachers

New this year was the provision of a gamified digital community dedicated to teachers, who were able to acquire points through sharing what they had done in class and actively participating within the Futurity community.

The challenge

In In this edition, the challenge covered several challenge areas:

  1.  1_Create a campaign against fake news
  2.  2_Create a netiquette on the use of generative AI in the enterprise
  3. 3_Design the office of dreams by implementing IoT
  4.  4_ Implementing sustainability and AI in the enterprise
  5.  5_Upskilling employees on the use of AI

More than 80 projects were produced. After careful evaluation based on criteria of feasibility, creativity, originality and impact, the following projects were announced as winners:

  1. 1 - ARC FIBER - The future at the speed of light – realized by 3IE of ITIS Carlo Zuccante di Mestre (VE)
  2. 2 - MSGA -  Upskilling formation ai realized by 5ALS of IIS Enrico Mattei di Vasto (CH)
  3. 3 - VERITAS (REAL NEWS) realized by 5BS of Liceo scientifico L.B Alberti di Cagliari
  4. 4 - Netiquette on the use of AI in the enterprise realized by  5CLSA of IIS Enrico Mattei di Vasto (CH)
  5. 5 - Dream office design with IoT implementation realized by the 4D  of Liceo Don Milani-Da Vinci di Cassano (BA).

The student authors of the 5 winning projects will have the opportunity to meet with Elia Bombardelli, a professor at Bocconi University in Milan and a famous content creator in the educational field.

The value of the project

Futurità is a project that Futurità is a project that offers benefits to all involved.
To students it offers an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of their course of study, also in terms of orientation.
To teachers it offers support in the teaching of civic education, covering 20 of the 33 hours set aside for the subject, which became mandatory starting last school year. To schools, it allows them to fill part of the minimum number of hours set for PCTOs (formerly school-to-work alternation) by having the value of it thanks to the topics covered and the teaching activities proposed.
It allows the Bank to contribute to the culture of sustainability by proposing new paradigms to young people that stimulate cultural transformation and promote the values of citizenship and responsibility. In addition, it allows us to work closely with students who are for us a continuous source of learning and a starting point for imagining the future. 




Intesa Sanpaolo for education

Here are some initiatives that we support to spread education and knowledge, guarantee the right to study and support research and businesses in the country
