

Intesa Sanpaolo e Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus: Siticibo
Intesa Sanpaolo e Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus: Siticibo

Quite often, it doesn’t take much. This inspired Intesa Sanpaolo to take part in the “Buon Samaritano” (Good Samaritan) project; an initiative spearheaded by the Banco Alimentare Onlus Foundation dedicated to recovering surplus food on a daily basis. It’s a straightforward idea. There are company canteens, hotels, school cafeterias and restaurants that prepare more food than is actually consumed, and there are around 5.000 volunteers throughout Italy who recover surplus cooked, fresh and unspoiled food on a daily basis and redistribute it immediately with the aid of equipped vans. As a whole, the initiative supports charitable organisations that are selected based on the nature of the services provided (e.g. canteens for poor people or residential communities) and the availability of equipment suitable for storing and managing the food delivered.

This support network is built on strict procedures to ensure that food is hygienic and unspoiled, while restoring the balance between the need for food and actual consumption.

This project is carried out in line with UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). For more details, see the Sustainability section.


This project is carried out in line with these UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's):


For more details, see the Sustainability section.

Intesa Sanpaolo for the social sector

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