
Shares and dividends


Nominal Value: 0.52 euro each
Number of outstanding shares 16,434,112,708
of which:  
Ordinary shares 15,501,622,147
Non-convertible savings shares 932,490,561
 Number of shares - Historical figures


Capital ratios at the end of September 2013 already factor in the pro-quota dividend accrued in the first nine months for year 2013, i.e. 75% of the 832 million euro paid in 2013 for year 2012. Dividend payment is a clear priority of management and capital ratios as well as profitability at the end of September 2013 are consistent with this priority; actual payment will of course reflect developments in the environment and regulators’ rules and measures.


  Dividends paid on  23 May 2013 (euro) Average stock price in 2012 (euro) "Dividend yield"
Per ordinary share 0.050 1.233 4.06%
Per savings share 0.061 1.022 5.97%
Market Ratios - Historical figures
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