
Shares and dividends


Number of outstanding ordinary shares (without nominal value)  17,803,670,501
 Number of shares - Historical figures


Over the time horizon of the 2022-2025 Business Plan: a cash dividend distribution was envisaged corresponding to a payout ratio, based on the consolidated net income, of 70% each year of the Plan; in the second half of 2022 and the first half of 2023 a buyback was executed for a total of 3.4bn euro (*); in 2024, a buyback of 1.7bn euro was executed, launched in June and concluded in October.


For the 2023 results, cash interim dividends of 2.6bn euro paid in November 2023 and
cash remaining dividends of 2.8bn euro paid in May 2024,
for a total dividend distribution of 5.4bn euro.


For the 2024 results, cash interim dividends of 3bn euro paid in November 2024.


(*) Amount equivalent to the suspended 2019 dividend.


  Dividends (euro cents) Average stock price
in 2023 
"Dividend yield"
Per ordinary share 29.60 2.438 12.1%
(*) 14.40 euro cents as interim dividend paid in November 2023 and 15.20 euro cents as remaining dividend paid in May 2024.
Market Ratios - Historical figures
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