
Shares and dividends


Number of outstanding ordinary shares (without nominal value)  17,509,356,966
 Number of shares - Historical figures


Strong and increasing cash dividend distribution over the course of the 2014-2017 Business Plan: 1.2bn euro paid for 2014, 2.4bn euro paid for 2015, 3bn euro paid for 2016 and 3.4bn euro paid for 2017. In the 2018-2021 Business Plan, commitment to paying out 85% of net income as cash dividends for 2018, 80% for 2019, 75% for 2020 and 70% for 2021. 


  Dividends paid (*) on 23 May 2018 (euro) Average stock price in 2017 (euro) "Dividend yield"
Per ordinary share  0.203 2.678 7.58%
Per savings share(**) 0.214 2.517 8.50%
Market Ratios - Historical figures
(*) 0.080 per ordinary share and 0.091 per savings share out of the net income; 0.123 per share, both ordinary and savings, out of reserves.
(**) Savings shares were converted into ordinary shares on 7 August 2018.
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